The Andy Griffith Show is a classic American sitcom that ran from 1960 to 1968. The show is set in the fictional town of Mayberry, North Carolina, and follows the lives of Sheriff Andy Taylor, his deputy Barney Fife, and their friends and neighbors. The show is known for its heartwarming stories, its witty dialogue, and its wholesome characters.
What is The Andy Griffith Show trivia? The Andy Griffith Show trivia is a type of trivia question that is related to the show. These questions can be about the characters, the episodes, the production of the show, or the cultural impact of the show. For example, “What is the name of the theme song to The Andy Griffith Show?” is a The Andy Griffith Show trivia question because it is about the show itself.
So, are you ready to test your knowledge of The Andy Griffith Show? If so, then give these 40 questions a try. See how many you can answer correctly. And don’t forget to share your score with your friends and family!
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The Andy Griffith Show Trivia
#1. What type of business does Howard Sprague’s mother run in Mayberry?
#2. Who plays the role of Gomer Pyle’s cousin Gilly Walker, a gas station attendant in Mayberry?
#3. What is the name of Gomer Pyle’s cousin, who later becomes the town’s gas station attendant?
#4. Which character is known for his love of fishing and often tells exaggerated fishing stories?
#5. What is the name of the young boy who frequently runs errands for the townspeople?
#6. Who played the role of Sheriff Andy Taylor on “The Andy Griffith Show”?
#7. Which character is the town’s furniture store owner and often gets into arguments with others?
#8. Who plays the role of Warren Ferguson, a county clerk who briefly becomes the deputy sheriff?
#9. What is the name of the town’s guitar-playing musician who often performs at The Bluebird Diner?
#10. Who plays the role of Ellie Walker, a pharmacist and love interest for Andy Taylor?
#11. Which character is known for his humorous and rambling monologues?
#12. What is the name of the town’s local drunk, who frequently ends up in the jail cell?
#13. What is the name of the town’s justice of the peace and the local shopkeeper?
#14. What is the name of Barney Fife’s girlfriend, known for her unique laugh?
#15. Which character is known for his slow, drawling speech and “Well, gollll-ly!” catchphrase?
#16. What type of business does Floyd the Barber own?
#17. What is the name of the town’s telephone operator, known for her eavesdropping?
#18. What is the name of Andy Taylor’s son on the show?
#19. Which character is known for his catchphrase “Nip it in the bud”?
#20. Which character often introduces himself with “I’m a nut!” and works at Wally’s Filling Station?
#21. Who plays the role of Opie Taylor, Andy’s young son?
#22. What type of bird does Aunt Bee accidentally cook in one episode, thinking it’s chicken?
#23. What is the name of the local schoolteacher in Mayberry, who later becomes Andy’s wife?
#24. Who plays the role of Goober Pyle, Gomer’s cousin and the mechanic in Mayberry?
#25. What is the name of the elderly farmer who often brings his produce to town in a truck?
#26. What is the name of the town’s choir director and organist at the church?
#27. What is the name of the fix-it shop owner in Mayberry?
#28. Who plays the role of Barney Fife, the Deputy Sheriff of Mayberry?
#29. What is the name of Opie’s pet dog on the show?
#30. Which character is known for his simple and carefree personality, often saying “Surprise, surprise, surprise!”?
#31. What is the name of the county where Mayberry is located?
#32. What is the name of the local mechanic and gas station attendant in Mayberry?
#33. What is the title of the show’s famous theme song, composed by Earle Hagen?
#34. What is the name of the local diner in Mayberry, where the characters often gather?
#35. What is the name of Andy Taylor’s Aunt, who raised him after his mother passed away?
#36. What is the name of the town’s newspaper editor and owner?
#37. Which character is known for his love of music and often plays the guitar?
#38. Who plays the role of Aunt Bee, Andy Taylor’s Aunt and housekeeper?
#39. What is the name of the town’s veterinarian, who often helps out with animal-related issues?
#40. What is the name of the fictional town where “The Andy Griffith Show” is set?