40 Fathers Day Trivia Questions

By Trivia Admin

As Father’s Day approaches, it’s the perfect time to celebrate the unsung heroes in our lives. What better way to honor fathers and father figures than with a fun-filled trivia session? Whether you’re gearing up for a family gathering or just looking to test your knowledge, these 40 Father’s Day trivia questions are sure to engage and entertain everyone. From historical tidbits to heartwarming facts, get ready to explore the fascinating world of paternal appreciation.

Father’s Day, observed on the third Sunday of June in many countries, is a heartfelt occasion dedicated to recognizing the influence and sacrifices of fathers and fatherly figures. This tradition dates back to the early 20th century, with the first known Father’s Day celebration taking place in 1910. Sonora Smart Dodd, inspired by Mother’s Day, campaigned for a day to honor fathers, particularly her own single father who raised six children. Over the years, the day has evolved into a celebration of paternal bonds, marked by gift-giving, special meals, and the expression of gratitude.

Now, get ready to delve into a diverse array of Father’s Day trivia questions that will not only challenge your knowledge but also shed light on the history, cultural variations, and significance of this heartwarming holiday. From exploring the origins of Father’s Day to discovering unique global traditions, these questions offer a captivating journey through time and across borders. So, gather your loved ones and embark on a quest to uncover fascinating facts about fathers and the day dedicated solely to them.

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Father’s Day Trivia>


#1. Father's Day was first celebrated in which city in the United States?

#2. What is the traditional gift associated with Father's Day?

#3. The campaign to establish Father's Day as a national holiday was led by which woman?

#4. The first Father's Day was celebrated in honor of how many fathers who lost their lives in a mining accident?

#5. Which author's book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" portrays a boy's relationship with his father?

#6. In Italy, Father's Day is celebrated on which saint's day?

#7. Father's Day was inspired by the celebration of which other holiday?

#8. In Switzerland, Father's Day is celebrated on which day?

#9. Which president issued the first presidential proclamation recognizing Father's Day?

#10. Father's Day is celebrated to honor fathers and father figures for their contributions to what?

#11. Which US state is known as the "Father of Father's Day" due to its early celebration of the holiday?

#12. Father's Day is celebrated on different dates in various countries. Which country celebrates it on the second Sunday in September?

#13. Which US President first proposed the idea of a national Father's Day?

#14. Father's Day was first proposed in response to which other holiday's popularity?

#15. Father's Day was first proposed in the early 20th century as a complement to which holiday?

#16. In many countries, Father's Day is celebrated on the same day as which summer solstice-related event?

#17. What type of animal is often associated with Father's Day due to its protective nature?

#18. In Thailand, Father's Day is celebrated on the birthday of which king?

#19. Which ancient civilization celebrated a holiday called "Festival of the Dead Fathers"?

#20. What is the traditional color associated with Father's Day?

#21. Which tool is often associated with Father's Day due to its symbolic significance?

#22. In Spain, Father's Day is celebrated on which day?

#23. The Father's Day Council was established in the 1930s to do what?

#24. Father's Day is celebrated on the same day as the birthday of which royal figure in the United Kingdom?

#25. In which European country is Father's Day known as "Dia do Pai"?

#26. The first known Father's Day celebration took place in which year?

#27. In which month is Father's Day celebrated in the United States?

#28. Father's Day became a commercial holiday in the early 20th century due to the efforts of which group?

#29. Which US President officially recognized Father's Day as a national holiday?

#30. Father's Day is celebrated on different dates in various countries. Which country celebrates it on the third Sunday in June?

#31. Father's Day is celebrated on the same day as which famous battle in the United States?

#32. Which ancient civilization had a holiday honoring the father of the gods, Cronus?

#33. In which Asian country is Father's Day celebrated on August 8th due to the repetition of the number 8?

#34. The idea for Father's Day is credited to which woman?

#35. What is the name of the traditional Korean holiday that is similar to Father's Day?

#36. Which Catholic holiday served as a model for the creation of Father's Day?

#37. In Germany, Father's Day is celebrated on the same day as which religious holiday?

#38. In which country is Father's Day celebrated on the second Sunday in May?

#39. What type of flower is often associated with Father's Day?

#40. Which Roman god is often considered the equivalent of the modern Father's Day figure?

#41. Father's Day is celebrated on the same day as which holiday in Australia and New Zealand?

#42. What type of traditional dish is often prepared for Father's Day in many cultures?


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