40 Lord Of The Rings Trivia Questions

By Trivia Admin

The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy trilogy written by English philologist and University of Oxford professor J. R. R. Tolkien. The story began as a sequel to Tolkien’s 1937 fantasy novel The Hobbit, but eventually developed into a much larger work. Written in stages between 1937 and 1949, with much of it being written during World War II, it was originally published in three volumes in 1954 and 1955. It has since been reprinted numerous times and translated into at least 38 languages, becoming one of the best-selling novels ever written.

40 Lord Of The Rings Trivia Questions is a quiz that tests your knowledge of the Lord of the Rings books and movies. The quiz includes questions about the characters, creatures, places, and events of Middle-earth. It is a fun way to test your knowledge of the world of Lord of the Rings and to learn some new facts.

Uncover intriguing facts about characters, themes, and the literary and cinematic brilliance that shaped it.

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Lord Of The Rings Trivia >



#1. Who is the main antagonist in “The Hobbit,” which takes place in the same universe as “The Lord of the Rings”?

#2. What is the name of the dangerous path that Frodo and Sam must take through the mountains to reach Mordor?

#3. What is the name of the river that Frodo and the Fellowship must cross to reach Rivendell?

#4. Which character is known for his love of trees and his role as the Ents’ leader?

#5. Which character is known for his loyalty and bravery, and later becomes the King of Rohan?

#6. Which character is known for his affinity for axes and his rivalry with Legolas?

#7. Which character becomes corrupted by the One Ring and transforms into Gollum?

#8. What is the name of the evil realm ruled by Sauron?

#9. Which character is known for his insatiable appetite and love of second breakfasts?

#10. Who is the heir of Isildur and the rightful king of Gondor in “The Lord of the Rings”?

#11. What is the name of the tower in Mordor where Sauron’s eye is ever watchful?

#12. What is the name of the fortress city that serves as the capital of Gondor?

#13. What is the name of the kingdom ruled by Aragorn?

#14. Who is the king of Rohan in “The Lord of the Rings”?

#15. What is the name of the spider-like creature that captures Frodo in “The Lord of the Rings”?

#16. Which character is known for his musical talent and his affinity for the Entwives?

#17. Which race is known for living underground and mining precious gems in “The Lord of the Rings”?

#18. Which character is known as the “White Wizard”?

#19. What is the name of the dragon-like creature that is bred by Sauron to serve as flying mounts?

#20. Who is the author of “The Lord of the Rings” book series?

#21. Who is the elf prince and skilled warrior who is part of the Fellowship of the Ring?

#22. What is the name of the wizard who becomes corrupted by power and allies himself with Sauron?

#23. What is the name of the powerful ring that plays a central role in the series?

#24. What is the name of the creature that guards the entrance to the Mines of Moria?

#25. What is the name of the creature that serves as a guide for Frodo and Sam in Mordor?

#26. What is the name of the Elven city where the Council of Elrond takes place?

#27. Who is the king of Gondor who goes mad after using the Palantir and is deceived by Sauron?

#28. What is the name of the elven cloak that grants the wearer camouflage and blending with nature?

#29. What is the name of the ancient elven sword that is reforged for Aragorn in “The Lord of the Rings”?

#30. What is the name of the treacherous pass that Frodo and Sam must traverse on their way to Mordor?

#31. Who is the steward of Gondor and father of Boromir and Faramir?

#32. Who is the Dark Lord’s most powerful servant in “The Lord of the Rings”?

#33. What is the name of the region that lies to the east of the Misty Mountains?

#34. Who is the ruler of Lothlórien and wields the Ring of Adamant?

#35. Who is the prince of the woodland realm and a skilled archer in “The Lord of the Rings”?

#36. Who is Frodo’s loyal friend and traveling companion throughout the series?

#37. What is the name of the mystical mirror-like object that allows the user to see visions of events past and present?

#38. What is the name of the main villain in “The Lord of the Rings”?

#39. Which character is known for his love of pipe smoking and fireworks?

#40. What is the name of the sword that Aragorn wields and is known as the “Flame of the West”?

#41. Who is the elf princess and love interest of Aragorn in “The Lord of the Rings”?


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