Welcome to the world of The Walking Dead trivia! Test your knowledge of this popular TV series as you answer 50 questions about the post-apocalyptic world, its characters, and their thrilling adventures. From identifying the leaders to recalling memorable moments, prepare yourself for a challenging journey through the walker-infested landscape.
Walking Dead Trivia
#1. Who is the leader of the Saviors?
#2. Which character killed Shane Walsh?
#3. What is the name of Rick’s son?
#4. Which character was the first to discover the barn full of walkers on Hershel’s farm?
#5. What is the name of the prison where Rick’s group takes shelter in Season 3?
#6. Who kills the Governor in Season 4?
#7. Who loses their hand in Season 3?
#8. What weapon does Michonne primarily use?
#9. Who kills Merle Dixon?
#10. Which character is a former firefighter?
#11. Who is the leader of the Whisperers?
#12. What is the name of the community led by Georgie?
#13. Who is the first person to kill a walker in the series?
#14. What is the name of Daryl’s crossbow?
#15. Who is the first person to discover that everyone is infected with the walker virus?
#16. Which character kills the most walkers throughout the series?
#17. What is the name of Carol’s abusive husband?
#18. Which character is known for wearing an eyepatch?
#19. Who sacrifices themselves to save the group in the CDC explosion?
#20. What does Negan name his baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire?
#21. Who is Rick’s best friend and fellow sheriff’s deputy?
#22. Which character has a pet tiger named Shiva?
#23. Who is the first person to die in the series?
#24. What is the name of Negan’s group of survivors?
#25. Which character is known for using a red-handled machete?
#26. Who saves Rick from Terminus?
#27. What is the name of the town where Carol lives after leaving the group?
#28. Who is the first person to kill a walker with a crossbow?
#29. What is the name of Rick’s hometown?
#30. Which character takes over as the leader of the Hilltop after Gregory’s death?
#31. Who is the leader of the Oceanside community?
#32. What is the name of the disease that killed many survivors at the prison?
#33. Who becomes the leader of the Alexandria Safe-Zone after Rick Grimes?
#34. What is the name of the main antagonist in Season 9?
#35. Who kills Alpha?
#36. Which character wears a necklace made of ears?
#37. What is the name of Carl’s love interest?
#38. Who becomes the leader of the Saviors after Negan?
#39. Which character has a fear of walkers, known as necrophobia?
#40. What is the name of the bridge that becomes a crucial location in Season 9?
#41. Who kills the reanimated Shane Walsh in Season 3?
#42. What is the name of Negan’s right-hand man?
#43. Who discovers the hidden stash of guns in Alexandria?
#44. What is the name of the community where the survivors encounter the cannibals?
#45. Who is responsible for the deaths of Glenn and Abraham in Season 7?
#46. What is the name of Rick’s daughter?
#47. Which character is known for wearing a signature leather jacket?
#48. Who kills the most Whisperers during the Whisperer War?
#49. What is the name of the group led by Dawn Lerner at Grady Memorial Hospital?
#50. Who beheads Hershel in Season 4?
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