30 Forest Trivia Questions and Answers

By prmishra361@hotmail.com

The woods are amazing, profound, and lovely; thus, exploring them is fun. How many forests do you know? How many types of forest vegetation do you know? Let’s find out how well you know about forests.

Forests are the backbone of our environment. They play a vital role in purifying the air and nurturing the soil. This article will discuss various questions that are based on forests and trees. Try and tackle the following questions to gauge your knowledge of forests.

Easy Questions: 1 to 10.

Medium Questions: 11 to 30

Hard Questions: 31 to 50

30 Forest Trivia Questions and Answers


#1. Which is the largest artificial Forest?

#2. Which is the second largest natural Forest in the world?

#3. Which Forest is regarded as the oldest Forest?

#4. Which country in the world has 70% forest?

#5. Which is the smallest rainforest in the world?

#6. Which is the most beautiful Forest in the world?

#7. Which is NOT a type of Forest?

#8. Is Amazon Forest an artificial or natural Forest?

#9. Which country has the second highest percentage of forest cover in the world?

#10. Forest is the home of how many biodiversities?

#11. How many acres of Forest are lost to deforestation in a typical year?

#12. Amazon forest spans several countries. Which of the following is Not?

#13. Where can you find Valdivian Temperate Rainforest?

#14. Which is the largest Forest in Pakistan?

#15. Which country has the third highest percentage of forest cover in the world?

#16. Where is the Carolinian forest found?

#17. Carolina forest is a good example of which type of Forest?

#18. Which is the largest Forest in the United Kingdom?

#19. What is the color of the Pulmonaria plant that is found in most Forests?

#20. Which of these three is a deciduous tree?

#21. Saaalumarada Thimmakka planted how many trees in India?

#22. Which is the world's thickest Forest?

#23. Tulsi Gowda has planted how many trees in India so far?

#24. Which of the following is not a Kenyan Forest?

#25. Does Forest affect the rainfall distribution of an area?

#26. What is the other name for Cypripedium Calceolus (forest plant)?

#27. Different animals have different adaptations to counter forest changes. Which animal changes its coat during winter?

#28. Which of the following bird does not relocate during winter?

#29. How many cubs can a forest fox have at a time?

#30. What do we call a forest that has lost its leaves and bark and remains standing?


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