50 Rivers Trivia Questions and Answers

By Trivia Admin

As the rivers flow, so should we flow with all information related to them. How much do you know about the world’s rivers? Can you tackle rivers trivia? Use this article to examine your knowledge of rivers.

Each river has its unique features and fun facts. Check out the following questions and try to answer them.

Easy Questions: 1 to 10.

Medium Questions: 11 to 30

Hard Questions: 31 to 50

50 Rivers Trivia Questions and Answers



#1. Which is the longest River in the World?

#2. How long is the River Amazon?

#3. Rivers cover what percentage of the World?

#4. River Nile flows through numerous African Countries. Which of the following country is NOT one of them?

#5. Which River forms Victoria Falls?

#6. The deepest River in the World is found in which continent?

#7. Which is the deepest River in the World?

#8. Mekong River Covers how many kilometers?

#9. Which World country can you find the River Seine?

#10. The Mekong River flows through six countries. Which of the following is NOT among these countries?

#11. Almost all the countries in the World have River (s) flowing through them, apart from one country. Which country is this?

#12. Which River neighbors New York City?

#13. Where is the final destination of the River Nile?

#14. Which is the longest River in the United Kingdom?

#15. How long is River Danube?

#16. Are there Dolphins in River Amazon

#17. Which is the longest River in Australia?

#18. Which is the shortest River in the World?

#19. Which African country can we find river Athi?

#20. Which is the final destination of river Volga?

#21. How many US states does the Mississippi River travel through?

#22. Which country is the source of the River Nile?

#23. If you see River Yangtze, which country would you be touring?

#24. Which River is a natural boundary between Mexico and Texas (US)?

#25. Which name is used to refer to a point where the River starts?

#26. Which River has the most water volume and still is the widest in the World?

#27. Which River is the holy site for Hinduism?

#28. What name is used to refer to a point where the River ends?

#29. River Amazon is among the top 10 rivers with the greatest water volume. How many tributaries does this River have?

#30. In which River can you find Cuttak City?

#31. River Niger is found in West Africa.

#32. In which River can you find the Sardar Sarovar dam?

#33. Choose the River that passes through the city of Vadodara.

#34. Which rivers flow through the Czech Republic and Germany?

#35. Which is the longest River in Scotland?

#36. Which River derives its name from a wine region and flows through France and Switzerland?

#37. Which is the tallest waterfall in the World?

#38. Where is the tallest waterfall located?

#39. From these deltas, which is the largest in the World?

#40. Which River has the biggest hydroelectric power station?

#41. Which of the following rivers is the third-longest River in Canada and was discovered by Jacques Cartier?

#42. Which of these rivers is Not found in Japan

#43. The River Darling is among the top 10 longest rivers in the World. Where can you find this River?

#44. Which of these rivers is NOT found in Sweden?

#45. The Oklahoma Bridge that collapsed in 2002 is found over which River?

#46. Guadalquivir is a famous river that is found in which country?

#47. Which is the largest River that is found in Mozambique?

#48. Which among the following is the longest tributary in India?

#49. Which state is the origin of River Mahadayi?

#50. Which one of the following is NOT a tributary of the great River Amazon?


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